What We do

Marketing for Chiropractic

Only Pay When They Show Up

Rekindle Patient Loyalty


Reconnect with patients who’ve lost touch. Breathe new life into your patient base, stimulating growth and community well-being.

  • Customized Patient Variables from EHR
  • Optimized Rebooking Timing
  • Consistent Follow-Up System

Expand Your Practice

Attract New Patients

  • Customized Online Scheduler
  • AI Chatbot

Is your office expanding?

In chiropractic care, a practice’s scaleable growth is dependent on the precision of its data. Data-driven marketing stands as the bedrock of any successful campaign, transforming raw numbers into actionable insights.

Vacancy Rate (VR%)

It is calculated by dividing unscheduled slots by total available time. We’re generally looking for a VR lower than 5%.

New Patients Compared to VR

Track new patients and compare this to your schedule’s vacant slots. This will signal you early on when it is time to hire another chiropractor.

Cost Per Acquisition

Track how much you invest to gain each new patient. Overlooking this could result in spending that doesn’t translate into growth.